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Home > GPS Tracking > Locate GPS Platform > Locate GPS Notification Types
Locate GPS Notification Types
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Creating a new Notification
In the BrickHouse Locate GPS platform, users can receive notifications for various unit activities and changes in device state, such as speeding, change of location, sensor values, and more. Notifications can be delivered via email, SMS, or online pop-up windows. This guide explains how to create a new notification.



1. Go to the Notifications tab and select New.

2. Select a device by ticking the box next to it, then click Next.

3. Choose Geofence and click Next.

4. Select when the notification should be triggered:

  • When the unit enters the geofence (Inside geofence);
  • When the unit leaves the geofence (Outside geofence).

Select the device(s)whose geofences should be displayed in the list (select All available to view the geofences of all available resources).

In the left list, select the geofences or groups of geofences (displayed in square brackets) for which the notification should be triggered. You can use the dynamic filter above the list to search.

Use the icon    to move items from the left list to the right one.

6. In the Advanced options section, if necessary, specify the additional conditions under which the notification should be triggered. It can be the range of speed values (the Speed option), and/or the range or the difference of the selected sensor values (the Sensor value option).
7. Select the logical operator based on which the notification should be triggered if several geofences are selected. The OR and AND operators are available.


Logical operators for a notification with the "Inside geofence" control type
If the notification controls the entry of a unit into a geofence, the OR and AND operators act as follows.

Logical operator Description

The notification is triggered when the unit enters any of the selected geofences.

Example. Geofence 1, Geofence 2, and Geofence 3 are selected in the notification settings. When the unit enters Geofence 1, the notification is triggered. It will also be triggered if the unit enters Geofence 2 or 3. In addition, the notification will be triggered if the geofences don’t overlap and the unit enters any of them.


The notification is triggered when the unit is in all the selected geofences simultaneously.

Example. Geofence 1, Geofence 2, and Geofence 3 are selected in the notification settings. Geofence 3 is inside Geofence 2 and Geofence 1. The notification is triggered when the unit is in Geofence 3 and therefore in all the other geofences simultaneously.

Logical operators for a notification with the "Outside geofence" control type
If the notification controls the exit of a unit from a geofence, the OR and AND operators act as follows.

Logical operator Description

The notification is triggered when the unit leaves any of the selected geofences if it previously has been in all of them at the same time.

Example. Geofence 1, Geofence 2, and Geofence 3 are selected in the notification settings. Geofence 3 is inside Geofence 2 and Geofence 1. The unit is in Geofence 3 and therefore in all three geofences at the same time. When it leaves Geofence 3 but remains in Geofence 2 and Geofence 1, the notification is triggered. The notification is also triggered if the unit moves from Geofence 3 to Geofence 1 or leaves all the geofences at once. If the unit was in Geofence 2 or Geofence 1 and has left them, the notification won't be triggered.


The notification is triggered when the unit leaves all the selected geofences.

Example. Geofence 1, Geofence 2, and Geofence 3 are selected in the notification settings. Geofence 3 is inside Geofence 2 and Geofence 1. The unit is in Geofence 1. After the unit leaves Geofence 1, it is not in any of the three geofences, so the notification is triggered. In addition, the notification is triggered if the geofences don't overlap and the unit leaves any of them.


5. Select Notification Actions

Notify by email - When this option is selected, you can add email addresses to which the notification should be sent. To do this, check the box to the right of the field and specify an address. After specifying the address, a new field is added automatically. To cancel sending the notification to any added address, uncheck the box to the left of it.

Notify by SMS - This is used to set up SMS notifications. Type in one or more telephone numbers in the international format; for example, +375293293294. Additional slots appear automatically when all fields for entering phone numbers are filled in.

6. Customize the message format you would like to receive and click on Next.

7. Last, set triggering parameters and click OK. The newly created notification appears in the list in the left part of the window.



A notification of this type allows monitoring of the vehicle's speed. For this purpose, configure the following options:



Control type
  • Fixed speed limit. The notification is triggered if the speed value is above or below the specified range (the Min and Max fields);
  • Road speed limits. The notification is triggered if the speed limits from maps are violated. For this control type, you can specify the number of kilometers per hour by which the limits from maps can be exceeded (the Tolerance on the speeding field).
Trigger if there is no assigned drive If this option is enabled, the notification is triggered if the conditions specified for the control type are met, and no driver is assigned to the unit.
Sensor value If this option is enabled, there is an additional condition for triggering the notification: a specific sensor value. The option is configured similarly to the notification type of the same name.



Alarm (SOS)
This type of notification is triggered when the system receives an alarm message from the unit. To enable this function, the device should be capable of sending such messages, or a sensor of the Alarm type should be configured in the unit properties. 

Digital input
A notification of this type is triggered when a digital input of the device is activated or deactivated. To set up the notification, you need to specify the input number on the Activation or Deactivation tab, respectively.
If the message doesn't have the I/O parameter, the io_n parameter is analyzed.


Parameter in a message
This type of notification allows you to control sensor parameters in messages. It enables the adjustment of parameters sent by the device but does not cover the control of virtual parameters such as sats, speed, lat, etc. 
To configure a notification of this type, please follow these steps:

1. Choose the parameter you want to control from the drop-down list. 
Note: For parameters classified as "in" and "out" types, you can only control whether the parameter is available or not. 

2. Select one of the available control types: 

  • Value range: Specify the minimum and maximum values of the parameter and select the activation type. Follow steps 3 and 4 for this type. 
  • Text mask: Control text parameters by specifying the text mask in the "Mask" field using special characters (* and ?). 
  • Parameter availability: Control the availability of the selected parameter in messages. 
  • Parameter lack: Control the absence of the selected parameter in messages. To activate a notification when the parameter appears or disappears from messages, select the "Only when the state changed" option in the "Generate notification" parameter. 

3. Specify the minimum and maximum values of the parameter. If you want the notification to be activated when the value is not equal to 0, specify 0 in both fields and select the out-of-range activation type. 

4. Choose the activation type: a. In range: The notification is triggered when receiving values that fall within the specified range, including the values specified as the minimum and maximum. b. Out of range: The notification is triggered when receiving values that fall outside the specified range.

Sensor value
For this type of notification, there are two control methods available: 
Value range: This method allows you to specify a range of sensor values. The notification will only trigger if the received values fall within this specified range. 
Value change: This method allows you to specify a single value. The notification will trigger if the received values exceed this specified value. 

Please note that the sensor value notification will not trigger in the following cases: 
- If the notification is used to control the values of the sensors which use parameters from previous messages. 
- If the received sensor value does not fall within the interval set in the Upper bound and Lower bound fields in the calculation table. Such values are invalid and are not considered equal to 0.

For the Value range method, follow these steps:

1. Choose the sensor type from the drop-down list, and/or specify a name mask using special characters (* and ?) in the Sensor name field. 
2. In the Similar Sensors drop-down list, select one of the available options: 
- Sum up values: Sum up the values of all sensors of the selected type and/or sensors with the same name mask before activating the notification. 
- Calculate separately: Control the values of all sensors of the selected type and/or sensors with the specified name mask separately. 
3. Set the minimum and maximum values for the sensor. 
4. Select the activation type: 
- In range: Activate the notification when receiving values within the specified range, including the minimum and maximum values. 
- Out of range: Activate the notification when receiving values outside the specified range. 
For the Value change method, go to the same-name tab on the right and follow steps 1 and 2 from the instructions above. In the Delta field, specify a value to trigger the notification when it is exceeded. 
For example, trigger the notification when the value changes to 1 by specifying 0.9 in the field. Additionally, note that the sensor values can be increased or decreased, as the specified delta is compared with the absolute value (for example, |12 - 10| = 2 and |10 - 12| = 2).


Connection loss
To configure a notification of this type, follow the steps below:

1. Select when the notification should be triggered: when the connection is lost or restored. You can select both options.
2. Select in what way the connection loss should be detected:

Control type


No coordinates

If this option is selected, the connection loss refers to the absence of coordinates in the unit messages or the absence of the messages themselves.

Messages with sensor data may be sent but they don't contain data on the unit location (for example, if the GPS antenna is closed).

No data

If this option is selected, the connection loss refers to the absence of any messages from the unit.

3. In the Time interval field, specify how long the connection loss should last for the notification to be triggered. The maximum allowed value is 999,999 minutes.
4. If necessary, specify if the unit should be inside or outside a certain geofence as an additional condition for triggering the notification. To configure the Geofences option, follow steps 1–4 from the guide on configuring the notification of the same name.

Off time
This type of notification is used to monitor the time a vehicle is off. 
- In the "Max allowed off time" field, you need to specify the maximum duration for which a vehicle can be parked. 
- In the "Speed, no more than" field, you should indicate the speed limit that should not be exceeded during the off time. 
Please note: The value in the "Max allowed off time" field cannot exceed 30 days. 
To prevent triggering the notification due to device inaccuracy, it is recommended to specify a speed value greater than 0 km/h, for example, 1–5 km/h.

If the Sensor value option is activated, the notification is triggered only if all the specified conditions are met: off-time duration, speed, and the sensor value. For example, you can receive notifications when the unit is parked with the engine or attachments running. This option is configured in the same way as the notification type of the same name.
Also, whether the unit is inside or outside a certain geofence can be an additional condition for triggering the notification. For this purpose, enable the Geofence option and configure the settings described in steps 1–4 in the same-name notification type. 
Note: If no speed value is received from the unit or the speed value is considered invalid due to filtering (i.e., a dash is displayed instead of speed), it doesn't affect the notification, that is:

  • the off time is not split by messages that don't have a speed value;
  • if the Sensor value option is enabled, it is not taken into account in such messages either.


This type of notification lets the recipient know when they receive an SMS message. There is an asterisk (*) in the SMS text field by default, which means that the notification will work for any SMS message. You can also specify a specific text message that will trigger the notification. This can be useful, for example, if the device sends an SMS message with particular content in case of a malfunction.


Interposition of units
Using notifications of this type, you can monitor whether the units are approaching or moving away from one another.
To configure a notification, follow the steps below.
Select the unit or units you want to control from the list.
Note: The triggered notification indicates that the unit selected in this step approaches or moves away from the unit selected in step 2.

2. Move to the right side of the window the unit or units that affect the notification triggering taking into account the distance towards them. To find the required unit, use the dynamic search above the list.

3. Select when you want to be notified: when the unit selected in step 1 approaches another unit or when it moves away from another unit.
4. In the Radius field, specify the distance between the units, and when the notification should be triggered if the distance decreases or increases.
5. If necessary, set additional conditions for the notification: the speed of the unit selected in Step 1 and its sensor value. The latter option is configured in the same way as the notification type of the same name.
6. In the Logic Operator section, select how the specified conditions should be applied in case several units are selected in step 2. Below, you can read about how the AND and OR operators work.


Logical operators "AND" and "OR" 
If the notification tracks the approach of a unit to several other units, the OR and AND operators work as follows.

Logical operator Description

The notification is triggered when the unit selected in step 1 of the guide above (the main unit) approaches any of the units selected in step 2 (the other units). For the notification to be triggered, the distance between the main unit and one of the others must be less than the distance specified in the Radius field. 

Example. The notification tracks the approach of Unit 1 to Units 2 and 3. The Radius field is set to 1000 meters. Unit 1 is approaching Unit 3. When the distance between them is 999 m, the notification is triggered.


The notification is triggered when the unit selected in step 1 of the guide above (the main unit) approaches all the units selected in step 2 (the other units) and the distance between them becomes less than the value specified in the Radius field. That is, if the main unit is approaching only some of the others at the required distance, the notification is not triggered.

In the notification text, the names of all the units approached by the main unit are shown in place of the %OTHER_UNIT% tag.


If the notification tracks the distancing of a unit from several units, the OR and AND operators work as follows:

Logical operator Description
OR The notification is triggered when the unit selected in step 1 of the guide above (the main unit) moves away from any of the units selected in step 2 (the other units). For the notification to be triggered, the distance between the main unit and the other units must first be less than the distance specified in the Radius field and then become greater than that value.
AND The notification is triggered when the unit selected in step 1 of the guide above (the main unit) moves away from all the units selected in step 2 (the other units). That is, if the main unit is moving away only from some of the others, the notification is not triggered. Also, for the notification to be triggered, the distance between the main unit and the other units must first be less than the distance specified in the Radius field and then become greater than this value. In the notification text, the names of all the units from which the main unit has moved away are shown in place of the %OTHER_UNIT% tag.


This notification is triggered if the unit is within a certain place or outside it. For configuration, follow the steps below.

1. Select when the notification should be triggered: when the unit is at the specified address (Inside) or in any other place (Outside).
2. Start typing the address in the Address field (city, street, house number, etc.) and select the suitable option from the list.
3. Specify the radius of this point in the Radius field.
4. If necessary, specify an additional condition: speed and/or sensor value.

Excess of messages
Using notifications of this type, you can control the number of messages received from the unit during a certain time interval. These can be regular messages with data (coordinates, sensor values, etc.) or SMS messages.
To configure a notification, follow the steps below.

1. Select the type of messages: data messages or SMS messages.
2. In the Reset counter for each field, specify the time interval for which you want to set a limit on messages. 
3. In the Limit of messages field, specify the number of messages after exceeding which the notification should be triggered.
In the example from the image above, the notification is triggered if 10 or more SMS messages are received from the unit within 24 hours.


Prerequisites: The creator of the resource in which the notification is stored needs the View service Intervals access right to the unit.
Notifications of this type are used for the services created on the Service intervals tab of the unit properties.
To configure a maintenance notification, follow these steps:
1. Select when you want to receive notifications: before or after the service term (the Service term approach and Service term expiry buttons, respectively).

2. In the Service intervals field, specify the name of the service for which you want to configure the notification. To specify several names, use the name mask. If the symbol * is specified in the field, the notification is applied to all created intervals.
3. To be notified of the service term approach, specify how many kilometers, hours, and/or days should be left before the beginning of the service term so that the notification is triggered. To be notified of the service term expiry, specify how many kilometers, hours, and/or days should pass after the expiration of the service so that the notification is triggered.
Example. Vehicle maintenance must be performed every 15,000 km, so a service interval by mileage with a value of 15,000 km has been created for the unit. Also, a notification of the approaching deadline with a value of 1,000 km has been configured. Assuming that the mileage is counted from 0, the notification will be triggered when the mileage is 14,001 km.

The maintenance notification is triggered only once when at least one of the conditions specified in Step 3 is fulfilled.
Note: After performing maintenance work, register it using the event registrar or in the unit properties so that the notification term is counted again. 
Notifications of this type are not triggered if:
you specify the name of at least one overdue service when creating the notification;
the unit for which the notification is created doesn't have any messages with location data.
Also, if the notification is created for several or all service intervals, it will no longer be triggered when at least one of the services becomes overdue.


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