Jan 10, 2020
Monitor Displays Blue Screen & Displays No Signal
- Do a hard reset, unplug all cables and power cables leave out for 1 minute and then re-connect them.
- Check to ensure that the connection to the camera is tight.
- Verify camera cable is plugged into port labeled Backup Camera
- Verify that the blue positive trigger on power harness is put to power 12v+. If the problem still persists, verify that alternate ports work. If alternate ports do not work, remove Blue Trigger wire from 12V+ and select alternate channels.
Monitor Will Not Power-Up (no backlight on power button)
- Check fuse
- Check 12v+ to monitor
- Check ground connection
No Image On Screen
- Verify the camera is on correct camera-input
- Verify cable is connected to monitor
- Verify the camera is connected to cable
- Connect known working camera and cable to monitor.
- Verify Blue trigger is receiving power
Audio on Camera
- Verify chosen camera has audio
- Verify volume setting
- Confirm that the Blue audio trigger is connected to 12v+
Attached below is a copy of the Manual for this device. For technical support, please contact the manufacturer's dedicated support team at (800) 764-1028 or send an email to [email protected].